Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Iran Human Rights

The Iranian regime violently clamps down on popular demands, including calls for greater personal freedoms and equality. Freedom of assembly is effectively non-existent in Iran.

The clerical regime ruling Iran remains one of the worst abusers of human rights in the world. Every year, hundreds are executed, including dissidents and minors.

Despite the regime’s brutal repression of Iranians since its inception, most Iranians are eager to express their opinions and voice their outrage. The recent waves of Iranian uprisings which shacked the regime showed their absolute demand for a democratic change within their country.

In this section, you can read the latest news on Iran’s Human Rights situation.

Iranian regime installs phone jamming devices in Qezel Hesar prison

NCRI- High-powered cellular phone jamming devices causing illness among inmates have been installed in Iran's Qezel Hesar prison to block all phone contact with...

Iran: Inmates sleep on floors and share beds as prison overcrowding soars

NCRI - Inmates are being forced to sleep on corridors floors and staircases due to massive overcrowding in Iran's prisons, the deputy chief of...

Iran: Another prisoner hanged in Khoramabad in ‘revenge’ to guards killing

NCRI - The Iranian regime has hanged a prisoner on Sunday following the execution of 16 prisoners on Saturday in Zahedan prison.The Iranian regime's...

Prison abuses continue across Iran

Four political prisoners in Kermanshah's Dizel Abad prison have been deprived of visits and telephone calls with their loved ones for three months, according...

Iranian regime installs new dangerous cellular phone jamming devices inside prison

NCRI - In a bid to prevent any information leak from inside prisons in Iran, the Iranian regime has installed new strong cellular phone...

Iran: Details of 16 executions in Zahedan

NCRI - Emerging details of executions of 16 political prisoners on Saturday in Zahedan prison reveals that at least one of those executed had...

Iran: Hassan Rohani’s government does not recognize UN Special Rapporteur

NCRI - Reacting to the report published by the UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Iran, the government of Hassan...

Iran: Kurdish political prisoner hanged

NCRI - The Iranian regime's henchmen hanged a Kurdish political prisoner at midnight on Friday in a prison in the western city of Orumieh....

Iran hangs 16 “rebels” after border clash

AAP - IRANIAN authorities have hanged 16 "rebels" following overnight clashes in which 14 border guards were killed on the frontier with Pakistan, a...

Iran: California pastor released after being detained for protesting imprisonment of Christians

NCRI - A California pastor that was taken into custody this week in Iran while protesting the imprisonment of five fellow Christians has been...