Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran Human Rights

The Iranian regime violently clamps down on popular demands, including calls for greater personal freedoms and equality. Freedom of assembly is effectively non-existent in Iran.

The clerical regime ruling Iran remains one of the worst abusers of human rights in the world. Every year, hundreds are executed, including dissidents and minors.

Despite the regime’s brutal repression of Iranians since its inception, most Iranians are eager to express their opinions and voice their outrage. The recent waves of Iranian uprisings which shacked the regime showed their absolute demand for a democratic change within their country.

In this section, you can read the latest news on Iran’s Human Rights situation.

Javad Vafa’i Thani (1)

Iran: Call for Urgent Action to Prevent Execution of Political Prisoner Mohammad Javad Vafa’i...

This morning, Wednesday, July 19, 2023, a judge at Vakil Abad Prison in Mashhad, capital of the northeastern Razavi Khorasan Province, sentenced to death...

Escalation of Killings and Executions in Fear of Uprising: 20 Criminal Executions in Four...

Two Kurdish Political Prisoners Tortured to Death in Urmia Intelligence Office Public Execution of 2 Prisoners in Foulad Shahr for Murdering an SSF Agent Execution of...

Brutal Mullahs’ Regime Hangs Six Prisoners, Including Baluchi Woman

On Sunday, July 2, the repressive regime of Khamenei hanged six prisoners in the prisons of Kerman, Karaj, Khorramabad, and Qazvin. In these criminal...
Free Iran 2023 Day 3

Free Iran 2023, Onward to a Democratically Elected Republic in Iran, Prosecute Clerical Regime...

On July 3rd, following the Free Iran Global Summit 2023 held on Saturday and Sunday, the National Council of Resistance of Iran convened its...

Confidential Documents Expose Regime’s Efforts to Derail UN Fact-finding Mission

A new set of documents unveiled by Iranian dissidents exposes the Iranian regime’s fear of being held accountable by a fact-finding mission that was...
iran irgc universities (1)

Iran: Leaked Documents Reveal $6 Billion Allocation to IRGC For More Oppression

The latest published leaked documents obtained by the “GhyamSarnegouni” dissident group from the Iranian regime’s presidency indicate how the mullahs’ president, Ebrahim Raisi, provided...

Iran: Public Execution of Prisoner in Bushehr Province in Response to the Death of...

Execution of Three Baloch Citizens in Zahedan and Kerman, Over 200 Criminal Executions in the Past Three Months  In Fear of the outbreak of the...
Iran Executions

Execution of 17 Prisoners in 5 Days: Escalation of Torture and Criminal Pressures in...

In a distressing series of events, the Iranian regime under Khamenei's rule carried out the execution of 17 prisoners within a mere five-day period,...

Escalating Executions Ordered by Khamenei: 6 Executions on Sunday and 59 Executions in 3...

On Monday, June 12, the Iranian regime hanged a fellow Arab citizen named Hadi Al-Nasser in Sheyban Prison, Ahvaz. In addition, on Sunday, June...

Execution of 9 Prisoners in 3 Days and Transfer of Death Row Inmates To...

In a continuation of the disturbing trend of prisoner executions, the oppressive regime of Khamenei hanged Jafar Mohammadpour, Ghobad Farhadi, and another prisoner today...