Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Iran Human Rights

The Iranian regime violently clamps down on popular demands, including calls for greater personal freedoms and equality. Freedom of assembly is effectively non-existent in Iran.

The clerical regime ruling Iran remains one of the worst abusers of human rights in the world. Every year, hundreds are executed, including dissidents and minors.

Despite the regime’s brutal repression of Iranians since its inception, most Iranians are eager to express their opinions and voice their outrage. The recent waves of Iranian uprisings which shacked the regime showed their absolute demand for a democratic change within their country.

In this section, you can read the latest news on Iran’s Human Rights situation.

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Iran’s Fragile Stability Hinges on Sixteen-Year-Old Armita’s Situation

According to local and state media reports, there was an incident in Tehran's metro resulting in severe head trauma for a sixteen-year-old girl named...

Iran: The Execution of 21 Prisoners in the First 9 Days of the Persian...

The mullahs' regime continues to execute prisoners out of fear of potential uprisings by the people. On Sunday, October 1, Khamenei's henchmen hanged five...

Ebrahim Raisi: Iran’s Mass Murderer Addressing the UNGA

Ebrahim Raisi, commonly known as the "Butcher of Tehran," is set to address the United Nations General Assembly, a move that has raised significant...

Iran: Arrest of Former Political Prisoners, Supporters, and Families of MEK on the Eve...

In recent days and weeks, the mullahs’ inhumane regime, in anticipation of the uprising's resurgence, has intensified its campaign of apprehending former political prisoners,...

Iran: Brutal Execution of 3 Prisoners on Wednesday, 12 on Monday, and a total...

The Iranian regime, under the leadership of Ali Khamenei, executed three prisoners on August 23. The victims, identified as Behrouz Rahmani Rad, Keyumars Rezai,...

Iran: Arrest of Released Prisoners, Supporters, and Families of the MEK in Fear of...

In the face of the escalating uprising, the inhumane regime of the mullahs has once again resorted to the arrest of recently released prisoners,...

Iran: Execution of 10 Prisoners, Including 6 Baluch Compatriots, on Monday

Khamenei’s Vain Attempt to Prevent Uprising, Especially Baluch Compatriots' Uprising In fear of the explosive anger of the Iranian people demanding the overthrow of the...

Iran: 56 Criminal Executions in the Past 4 Weeks

As the inhumane regime of the mullahs approaches the anniversary of the nationwide uprising, it persists in executing prisoners without respite as a response...
iran hijab morality police (1)

Understanding Iranian Regime’s Extremist Parliament and the “Hijab Bill” Delay

During a session held on August 13, several members of the Majlis, the Iranian regime’s parliament, suggested passing the "hijab and chastity" bill, as...

Iran: 24 Criminal Executions in 5 Days

Ali Khamenei, who acknowledges no approach other than intensifying suppression and execution to counter the people's uprising, continues to send more prisoners – victims...