Obama urges Iranian regime to take “the historic opportunity” on nuclear issue

In a speech at the United Nations, US President Barack Obama urged the Iranian Resistance to seize the “historic opportunity” of reaching a deal with world powers on its nuclear program.

US President said “a diplomatic solution to the Iranian nuclear issue” “can only happen if Iran takes this historic opportunity,”

America is pursuing a diplomatic resolution to the Iranian nuclear issue, as part of our commitment to stop the spread of nuclear weapons and pursue the peace and security of a world without them,” he told the General Assembly.

“This can only happen if Iran takes this historic opportunity,” Obama added. 

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State John Kerry said Wednesday that international negotiations have a great deal of ground left to cover.
“There are still gaps, there is no question about it,” Kerry said on CNN. “But we have the month of October and several weeks in November to continue to negotiate. We’ve been very clear with Iran that we need to try to see some progress; we need to try to move forward.”

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