Obama: Iranian regime “fiercely” suppresses calls for change

NCRI – In his remarks to the American people on Thursday about on the crisis in Libya, US President Barack Obama said calls for change in Iran are “fiercely suppressed.”

Speaking at the National Defense University, Mr. Obama pointed to the growing protests in the Middle East, and said, “A new generation is refusing to be denied their rights and opportunities any longer.”


“Progress will be uneven, and change will come differently to different countries.  There are places, like Egypt, where this change will inspire us and raise our hopes.  And then there will be places, like Iran, where change is fiercely suppressed.”

Only the people of the region can determine the pace and scope of change, he said, adding, “But we can make a difference.”

President Obama also added, “I believe that this movement of change cannot be turned back, and that we must stand alongside those who believe in the same core principles that have guided us through many storms,” including opposition to violence by rulers directed at people and support for universal rights and freedoms.

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