New Wave of Executions in Iran, The Middle Ages in Tehran’s Streets

By: Rolf Kleine and Jan Meyer

Tehran, Bild, August 4 ,2007  – The Middle Ages in Teheran’s streets. Calamitous scenes of killings similar to stone ages. Wave of executions in Iran, the terror state!

By: Rolf Kleine and Jan Meyer
Tehran, Bild, August 4 ,2007  – The Middle Ages in Teheran’s streets. Calamitous scenes of killings similar to stone ages. Wave of executions in Iran, the terror state!
On a crossing masked henchmen put blue ropes around the neck of two young men. A three-year child watches, curious persons take pictures with their handy. Then the cranes pull up the men, they suffocate slowly, painful. One the henchmen hold a German submachine gun. Model Heckler&Koch MP5.

Why do the executioners of Tehran carry German weapons?
Iran is allowed to manufacture the MP5s and also the Heckler&Koch rifle G3!

Iran had received the license in the 60’s. At that time still the Shah, a friend of the west ruled in Iran. The German weapons are built in Iran in a factory called Fritz Werner Industrial Equipment, which established by Germany in Iran in the 70’s. In Iran the MP5 is called the MTP9 Thunder.

Until today these weapons are built for a regime, which wants to extinguish Israel. A regime, which hangs humans in the streets!

"The death penalty is in Iran not only are carried out for murder, but also  rape, adultery and drug trafficking. It was publicly already a 16-year girl had been hanged publicly on the charge of "adultery".

The Green human right expert Volker Beck said that "I request Iran to immediately stop this barbarian execution campaign. The Federal Government must support all of those that their life is threatened by the death penalty and clearly and energetically intervene in Iran and condemn the executions and stop them."

Burkhardt Mueller Sönksen, FDP chairman in the human right committee said that "I consider it completely inhuman to execute people as public play. Socially such an Iran is still in the deep Middle Ages."

SPD human right expert Christoph Strässer said: "The executions in Iran are intolerable and unacceptable and we should take these issues before the general assembly or the human right council of the United Nations".

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