Mullahs’ regime is inhumanely deporting Afghan and Iraqi refugees who have Iranian spouses

The commander of the State Security Forces (SSF) in Tehran province, Brig. Gen. Reza Zari, unveiled a plan to "deport 200,000 illegal aliens" and added that "the marriage of these people to Iranian women and their children with no identification papers" were a problem for the regime. He reiterated that "65,000 people in Tehran province alone have to be deported from the country in a short period of time."

Zari was referring to Afghan and Iraqi refugees who had married Iranian women. For more than a quarter of a century, the mullahs’ regime had taken advantage of Afghan and Iraqi refugees to export fundamentalism and terrorism. Their children are presently deprived of citizenship, education, and health insurance. The refugees are currently being forced to leave Iran with their families.

The Chairwoman of the Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, Ms. Sarvnaz Chitsaz, called on all international human rights organizations, women and children’s rights activists to condemn the measures taken by the mullahs’ regime against the refugees and prevent it from deporting them involuntarily, especially those who have Iranian mothers or spouses.          

Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
July 21, 2006

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