Mullahs’ police warn of crackdown on anti-government protests

Mullahs' State Security Forces crackdown on protester in Iran, July 2009NCRI – The Iranian regime’s State Security Forces warned on Sunday of crackdown on any anti-government protests on the 13th of Aban (November 4th) anniversary.

“The police will act against any illegal gathering on the 13th of Aban,” state-run Mehr news agency quoted Ahmad Reza Radan, the deputy commander of the SSF.

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s State Security Forces warned on Sunday of crackdown on any anti-government protests on the 13th of Aban (November 4th) anniversary.

“The police will act against any illegal gathering on the 13th of Aban,” state-run Mehr news agency quoted Ahmad Reza Radan, the deputy commander of the SSF.

Radan said the State Security Forces have the “obligation to prevent any disturbance of order in society.”

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