Mullahs’ judiciary chief calls for more executions

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s judiciary chief says he is pleased with the wave of executions in Iran under his watch, stressing that the judiciary should carry out more medieval punishments against the Iranian people.

According to state-run news agencies, Sadeq Larijani said in a speech to Iranian regime judiciary officials on Wednesday, “Over the past year, and especially in recent months, the judiciary’s actions were excellent,” referring to the brutal corporal and draconian punishments carried out by the regime, including inhumane executions.

“The reports we have received so far from the State Security Forces and other sources indicate that such measures and punishments have had a very good impact.”

He added, “We are confident that the judiciary will not only refuse to retreat from the actions it has begun, but that it will press forward with even more strength and resolve.”

“The judiciary should view this as its inherent duty,” he added.

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