Moving Message From a Young Girl in Aleppo


NCRI – To the sheikhs of the Islamic nations … to the religious leaders of armed groups … to anyone who once claimed ideological concerns about this nation.

I am one of the girls of Aleppo who will be raped in a few moments… There are neither any weapons nor men to defend us against these savages which are called the country’s Army.

I do not want anything from you … I’m not even asking you to say a prayer for me … So long as I can talk, I think my own prayers would be more sincere than what you may say.

My only request from you is not to take God’s place in issuing a decree about my fate after my death.

I will commit suicide … It does not matter if you tell me that I will go to hell for this.

I will commit suicide … because I resisted all these years in my father’s house, the father who died and was so upset about what was left behind.

I will commit suicide to prevent anybody enjoying from my body …

Until a few days ago they were afraid of the name of Aleppo….

I will commit suicide because there is catastrophe in Aleppo and I do not think there will be any hell worse than this.

I will commit suicide … And I know with all my heart that you will issue a decree declaring that I will end up in hell. It seems that the only thing that will unite you is to denounce the suicide of a girl…

A girl who is not your mother, your sister or spouse… A girl who is not important for you.

I finish by saying that when life takes this turn, your decree is worthless. You can keep this life for yourself and for your family …

When you read this, you should know that despite everything, I died clean and pure.

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