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Mother of Political Prisoner on death row makes urgent Appeal to UN Special Rapporteur on Iran

Gholamreza Khosravi in prison in IranNCRI – The mother of political prisoner Gholamreza Khosravi Savadjani facing imminent execution has appealed to Dr. Ahmed Shaheed, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights situation in Iran for saving her son’s life.

In her letter, Mrs Baygom Yadi, 71, says her son has been subjected to great injustice in Iran and his life is in danger. ‘My life too depends on him, I ask you to return him to me and his family. He has a wife and a son of 17 years old’, said Mrs.Yadi.

‘He has been sentenced to death that has been upheld by higher court only for a little donation he has given to an opposition TV channel. He has been held in solitary confinement for over 1,200 days. The authorities do not feel any responsibility towards me and his suffering family.’

‘Today, May 31, 2014, Gholmreza was transferred to solitary confinement and they have asked us to go to prison and visit him which is a shocking and appalling news. Please save his life’, said in her letter to Dr.Ahmad Shahid, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in Iran.

Mr. Gholamreza Khossravi, 49, from the city of Abadan, father of a child and a welder, was sentenced to death on the mullahs’ fabricated charge of “Moharebeh” (enmity towards God) on April 21, 2012.

He is one of the political prisoners of the 1980s who was imprisoned for five years in Kazeroun prison at the age of 16 for supporting the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

He was once again arrested in 2007 and while deprived of the least fair legal process was condemned to six years in prison.

In 2010, while just two years remained of his sentence, the mullahs’ judicial system condemned him to death on the charge of ‘Moharebeh’ for making a financial contribution.
The clerical regime has time and again tortured him to extract forced TV confessions.

Mr Khosravi spent 12 years of his life in mullahs’ regime dungeons before being transferred from Ward 350 of Evin Prison to Gohardasht prison on May 28.

Momeni, one of the head henchmen at Evin Prison, had threatened him for his active role in the resistance of prisoners in Ward 350. He was subsequently sent to quarantine in Gohardasht Prison with his hands and feet enchained.