More than 300 executions in Iran in 2010: Amnesty

NCRI – In its 2010 report on executions around the world, Amnesty International said more than 252 hangings were acknowledged by Iranian regime in 2010, but the group received credible reports of more than 300 other executions not acknowledged by the regime.

It also pointed out that several people have been sentenced to death for supporting the main opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), and in some cases, the alleged links amount to no more than having had family contact with PMOI members.

“The Iranian authorities acknowledged the execution of 252 people, including five women and one juvenile offender in 2010,” the report said, adding, “Amnesty International received credible reports of more than 300 other executions which were not officially acknowledged, mostly in Vakilabad Prison, Mashhad.”

It also added, “In January, two men were hanged following unfair trials in which they were convicted of “enmity against God,”” referring to the executions of Ali Kazemi and Mohammad Ali Haj Aqaei who were charged with supporting the PMOI.

The report also pointed to the execution of Mr. Ali Saremi, and said, “In December 2010 another man, who was sentenced to death a year earlier, was also executed without warning. He had also been sentenced for his alleged membership in a banned opposition group, the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI).”

Amnesty added, “A further six men and one woman were sentenced to death in Iran for alleged links to the PMOI. In some cases, their alleged links with the PMOI may amount to no more than having had contact with family members who are members of the PMOI.”

Amnesty said 96 countries have abolished the death penalty for all offenses.

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