More Iranian political prisoners deprived of medical treatment

Increasing numbers of seriously ill political prisoners are being deprived of medical treatment in Iran, according to reports from inside the regime.

The condition of cancer sufferer Mahboubeh Mansouri – who has relatives in Camp Liberty – is said to have deteriorated after being refused treatment by the prison officials.

Prison officials and the intelligence ministry agents at the notorious Evin Prison have also rejected the transfer to hospital of political prisoner Pejman Abdulhosseinzadeh for treatment for a broken shoulder.

The Tehran Bus Union Syndicate member was arrested in June on charges of propaganda against the government and placed in solitary confinement and tortured before being sentenced to one year in prison.

Political prisoner Reza Shahabi, who suffers from severe pain and numbness in the left leg, has also been told he can not have medical treatment in case his family try to visit him while he is in hospital.

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