Member of Syrian National Coalition: Any Solution on Syria in the Security Council Is Doomed to Failure


NCRI – In an interview with Al Arabiya TV, Hosham Marveh, member of the Syrian National Coalition said: “The situation in Syria exposed incapacity and failure of the Security Council due to veto by Russia and China. Unfortunately, China has also joined the symphony of supporting tyrants and oppressors in killing defenseless civilians. Therefore, these activities (for a solution on Syria’s crisis) must take place outside the UN Security Council. Any solution on Syria through the Security Council is doomed to failure because it would just buy time for Assad regime.

“The Security Council resolutions on Syria, adopted unanimously, for formation of interim government, transfer of power, end to the siege and release of prisoners seem to be history. The international community just wants to leave open the hands of this criminal gang and its allies in Syria. This is the problem. The Russians by buying time play games with international community. They are only after their strategic interests outside Syria and settlement with the west.

“Figures show that Russians have carried out over 5000 airstrikes in Syria in the past two months, less than %10 of which were against Daesh.

“What is happening in Syria is a Revolution by people. The issue is not a war between two armies in which each one is in a different place confronting each other. All Syrian people are against Assad. Those who defend Assad are either sectarian militants and mercenaries or the Russians that want to settle down (their conflict of interest) with the west and increase their influence in the Middle East. Therefore, Assad’s regime is finished politically and militarily. The question is how much longer Assad’s supporters will remain? Do you think that the people who sacrificed so much would allow continuation of Assad regime? This is impossible.”


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