Letter of executed political prisoner Habibollah Golparipour to his parents

Habibollah Golparipour, the Kurdish political prisoner, who was executed on Friday, October 25, had written a letter to his parents before his execution. 

Bellow is the text of the last letter by Habobollah:
“It has been 4 years that I have put a lot of burden on you. I hope you excuse the trouble I have caused you. I wish the best of luck for you all. 

Tell my mother to look for me go to Abider mountain, whenever she misses me. I am always with her, so do not think of me. I would like her to be happy in the following days.I will also be happy, with her happiness. Therefore, if she wants to see me happy, she should be happy too. 

My dear father, I thank you for all you have done for me. I hope you excuse me for not being a good son. I wish best of luck for all my sister and brothers and I wish you all the best life. “

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