Jailed physicist denied urgent medical care: Amnesty International

Iranian physicist Omid Kokabee, serving a 10-year sentence in Tehran’s Evin Prison, is in urgent need of medical care, which the authorities have refused, Amnesty International says.

Mr. Kokabee is suffering from a number of health problems, including kidney stones and heart palpitations, exacerbated by the poor conditions in which he is held.

According the rights group: “Omid Kokabee, aged 32, has been examined by the prison medical clinic doctors and dentist and told by them that he needs further care outside the prison, but the authorities have either rejected, or left unanswered, his several requests for outside medical care.”

“Omid Kokabee’s health has deteriorated since August, when he was transferred from Section 350 to the Quarantine area of Section seven, which is in a basement. There, he has been kept in a small windowless cell and all prisoners in this unit are denied access to the prison courtyard for exercise.”

Amensty international has called for “the release Omid Kokabee immediately and unconditionally as he is a prisoner of conscience.”

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