Italian municipalities condemn human rights abuses in Iran



NCRI – The Provincial Council of Italy’s Piedmont Province has unanimously condemned the increasing violation of human rights in Iran underscoring the escalating trend of executions by the Iranian regime, including the execution of juveniles, as well as the suppression of journalists and censorship of the internet.

In a statement issued on November 11, 2015, the Provincial Council of Piedmont called on the Italian government to adopt a political solution in the international institutions, including the United Nations, with the aim of halting collective executions and to condition any dialogue and trade with Iran to a halt to executions and respect for human rights.

The municipalities of Torre Pellice (November 23) and Rivoli (October 28) issued separate statements as well where they referred to 2000 executions during Hassan Rouhani’s presidency and the suppression by the Iranian regime. They noted:

In the summer of 1988, after a fatwa by Khomeini, over 30000 political prisoners, mostly affiliated with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), were executed. Many defenders of human rights called it a crime against humanity. A number of those responsible for those atrocities are currently among the leaders of this regime.

In a meeting convened on December 7 by Grugliasco and Collegno municipalities of Piedmont Province, Ms. Emanuela Guarino, President of “Current Time Association” said: “With the presence of heroines in the Iranian Resistance, the hope for freedom in Iran is alive.”

Ms. Sonia Rossato, President of the Women’s Center, emphasized in her speech: “The greatest hope for attaining freedom and equality for women are these women that struggle so courageously, and the world should support them.”

Dr. Yousef Lessani from the Association for a Free and Democratic Iran said in this meeting: “The Iranian people, standing with their organized Resistance led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and a thousand heroines in this movement will bring back freedom and democracy to Iran.”

In a separate meeting, Ms. Ughetta Biancotto, President of Italian Partisans Association in Cuneo, said: The special thing about the Iranian Resistance that is unique to the contemporary history is that it is managed by women and this misogynic regime will be overthrown by these women and with the leadership of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi.”

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