Iran’s Teachers threaten to walkout this month

NCRI – The Iranian Teachers' Union has threatened to have all its members go on a nationwide strike over pay disputes with the mullahs' regime beginning February 21.   

A member of the Teachers' Union said, "Teachers are demanding fair pay grades. Since 2000, the teachers are struggling with the mullahs' Majlis (parliament) to pass the bill on the issue. In 2006, under pressure by the teachers the bill finally passed the Majlis, however, it has not become operational yet. According to the bill, the government must establish a uniform pay grade for all government employees regardless of the nature of the jobs."

"The mullahs' regime excuse for not complying with the bill's mandate is that it increases the inflation," he said.

The teachers are also demanding that the mullahs' Ministry of Education sign a new permanent job contract, as it was promised last year by the government, with their part-time colleagues, the member of Teachers' Union said. 

In February 2007, the streets ending to the Majlis were the scene of protests by more than 15,000 teachers demanding their full pay rise in accordance with the sky rocketing cost of living for the fix income families. With teachers very low pay grades, they are hardly able to cope with the cost of living.

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