Iranian regime sentences a man to amputation of four fingers, lashes

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s judiciary in the southern city of Abadan has sentenced a man to amputation of four of his fingers.

The man who has been accused of robbery also has been sentenced to 10 months in prison and 99 lashes and fine of to fine of 185,900,000 Tomans.

A woman accused of working with him has been sentenced to 2 years imprisonment and 173 lashes.

The Iranian regime has for long carried out brutal sentences including stoning to death, amputation of hands and fingers and gouging out of eyes.

In January 2013, the Iranian regime unveiled its latest innovation, a machine that cuts off the fingers of prisoners.

For years the Iranian regime has been cutting hands and fingers of prisoners but in January a state-run news agency published photos of a man’s four fingers being amputated in public in city of Shiraz.


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