Iran: Hassan Rouhani’s FM rejects visit request of UN human rights monitor

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s Foreign Ministry rejected the fresh request by Ahmed Shaheed, the United Nations Rapporteur for Human Rights in Iran, to access the country.

“We do not consider Ahmed Shaheed to be an impartial rapporteur,” Foreign ministry spokesman Abbas Araqchi said during his weekly briefing with reporters in Tehran, State-run media reported.

Araqchi said Tehran had received two official letters from Shaheed requesting access to assess the human rights situation in the country.

In March, the UN body monitoring human rights in Iran sounded the alarm after Shaheed’s latest report touched on restriction of freedom of speech and a slew of other abuses, including torture, forced confessions, secret executions and the jailing of members of the political opposition.

The number of those executed following the regime’s sham presidential election has reached at least 130 counts, of which many were under the age of 18 at the time of their alleged crime, and a number of others were women.

Many of the victims have been hanged in public. On the morning of Sunday, August 18, in an unprecedented measure, three prisoners were hanged in public in three different locations in the city of Karaj, west of Tehran. State-run media outlets published scenes of these vicious crimes on a widespread scale.

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