Iranian regime intensifies suppressive measures


NCRI – During the past few weeks, the number of patrol motorbikes and security forces has increased across main cities.

In the city of Bandar Abbas, security forces and patrol agents tried to prevent and suppress any free movement by creating an atmosphere of fear and increase of suppression.

In Tehran also, there is a high presence of security forces across the city, especially in Kan and Kuhsar districts. These forces search shops and vehicles and also stop people on the way and start interrogating them under the pretext of discovering drugs.

A storekeeper said that the security forces raided his store and ruined everything searching for supposedly ‘drugs’. They also attack homes and search the place without previous notice.

On Monday, September 9, security and patrol forces brutally attacked all clothes stores on Vali-asr Street, Tehran and tore all the clothes that they claimed were improper. The security forces then threatened to arrest the shopkeeper and seal its store.

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