Iranian regime hangs a prisoner in Gorgan

NCRI – Iranian regime hanged a man today in Gorgan, northeastern Iran, state-run media reported.  The 53 year old unnamed man was put to death in Gorgan prison, official Iranian news Agncy, IRNA reported.

The mullahs’ inhuman regime begins the New Year by a fresh wave of executions. The Iranian regime on Wednesday hanged eight prisoners, including a woman, in the notorious Evin Prison in Tehran. Three other prisoners were hanged in the holy city of Qom on January 2.

NCRI- Iranian regime hanged a man today in Gorgan, northeastern Iran, state-run media reported.  The 53 year old unnamed man was put to death in Gorgan prison, official Iranian news Agncy, IRNA reported.
The mullahs’ inhuman regime begins the New Year by a fresh wave of executions. The Iranian regime on Wednesday hanged eight prisoners, including a woman, in the notorious Evin Prison in Tehran. Three other prisoners were hanged in the holy city of Qom on January 2.
The arbitrary executions by the Iranian regime started at the turn of the year. Only last month it was condemned for the 54th time at the UN General Assembly over its human rights record.

Photo: Masked Iranian regime’s judiciary officials place the noose around the neck of a man prior to his public hanging in the central city of Qom, Jan 2, 2008

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