Tuesday, July 16, 2024
HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsIranian regime blocks hospital visits for critically ill political prisoner

Iranian regime blocks hospital visits for critically ill political prisoner

NCRI – A critically-ill political prisoner has been refused urgent treatment for cancer by Iranian regime officials.

Intelligence Ministry agents and a public prosecutor have refused to transfer 59-year-old Ali Moezi to hospital, despite a prostate cancer that is causing bleeding from his kidneys.

Moezi was prescribed a series of injections to halt the cancer at the time of his last arrest – but officials have also barred these injections from being administered, according to reports from inside the regime.

Prison authorities have also deprived Moezi of family visits for the past six months on the grounds that he refuses to appear before an illegitimate ‘sham’ court that wants to decide his fate.

At Gohardasht Prison, in Karaj, central Iran, political prisoner Alireza Karami Khair Abadi was finally transferred to hospital in an unconscious state on March 26 for treatment for heart problems.

Repeated demands for his transfer had been delayed because Mr Abadi had refused to wear a prison uniform while being transferred to a hospital outside prison.


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