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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsIranian dissident pressed charges against Ahmadinejad for torture

Iranian dissident pressed charges against Ahmadinejad for torture

NCRI – Laya Roshan, an Iranian dissident in France, is sure she has met the Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in the torture chamber in a Tehran prison in 1982, according to a report by the Reuters news agency.

On Wednesday, she announced that she is pressing charges against him in Paris.
This 58 year old woman spoke in a news conference in France, sponsored by the main opposition to Tehran’s regime, National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

Laya Roshan, a dentist was arrested in 1982 charged with assisting the opponents of the regime. She was charged with 500 lashes and taken to Evin prison in Tehran.
There, she met Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who was at the time a member of the revolutionary guards, considered the pinnacle of the Islamic regime. She said his alias was Dr. Mirzaei. She pointed out: “I still remember his vicious look. When I saw his picture in the newspapers (during the election of 2005) I realized that person was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.”
She stated that Dr. Mirzaei was in charge of a section of ward 209 in the prison where the tortured people were taken to recover in order to be taken under torture again. She said Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told others how he tortured the injured prisoners so that they would not die. She said she witnessed what he did with one of the detainees: “held her arm and dragged her on the ground and took her to the torture chamber. The prisoner was returned two hours later with broken teeth, torn lips and blue face.”
She continued: “I was in ward 209 for 6 months. He was also there. There were 3 rooms for men and 3 for women. He used to wear the revolutionary guards uniform”.
She said that she had decided to press charges in recent days because she is troubled with Mujahedin-e-Khalq (MEK) being under judicial investigation in France. In theory French judiciary is allowed to investigate torture cases but Ahmadinejad enjoys political immunity, Reuters reported.