Iran: Youths turned soccer match into a protesting ground

NCRI – A Soccer match between two of the country's clubs in Tehran's Azadi Stadium was the scene of a protest by the youth following the match.
The protest began by the youths protesting to the mullahs' Soccer Federation poor handling of the season's games. 

Soon the protest turned up by the crowd shouting anti-government slogans in the stadium.
The State Security Forces – mullahs' suppressive police – attacked the participants to prevent the protests from spreading outside the sport arena.

An unknown number of protesters were arrested by the SSF agents. Following soccer matches especially taking place in Tehran's Azadi Stadium in past years, the fans have taken advantage of the opportunity to turn the sport events into full scale protest against the ruling clerics in Iran.

Arrests are made by the SSF in addition to brutal beatings of the protesting spectators. However, that has not discouraged the youths to show their anger at the mullahs by smashing buses and other police vehicles.   

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