Iran: Young man hanged on the first day of spring

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NCRI – On Thursday, a young man faced gallows for an alleged crime he committed when 17 in the central city of Isfahan, according to the Resistance sources in the country.

It is quite unprecedented to hang prisoner in Iran on the first day of spring coinciding with the traditional New Year. However, in the mullahs' regime the name of the game is cruelty and cold-blooded murder.

According to mullahs' regime penal code the only way to avoid capital punishment for murder is to pay blood money to the victims' survivors. However if the victim's family does not agree, the execution should go on as scheduled.

What it really means is that Shahroudi has done nothing but to repeat his previous decree according to Mohammad Mostafai, Zarei's attorney.

Currently, there are juveniles waiting for their executions in most major Iranian prisons run by the mullahs' judiciary.

At the moment there are 75 minors on death row in Iran according to international organizations.


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