Iran: Using teargas to disperse the student demonstration

NCRI – Sunday, a group of students gathered outside mullahs' regime Majlis (parliament) protesting to their expulsion and other restrictions from the universities, reported the state-run news agency Fars.

The students also known as "marked students" — a term used by the Ministry of Higher Education to describe students with no security clearance from the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) following their anti-government activities during Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's tenure — have great difficulties with their schools.

The State Security Forces (SSF) — mullahs' suppressive police — cordoned the protesters and did not allow them access to Majlis deputies.

The Ministry of Education has refused to issue 17 of the graduated students their degrees. It has informed the students that since they have no security clearance from the MOIS are not eligible to receive a diploma.

The "marked students" were arrested and transferred to the police precinct in Enqelab Square, according to their relatives. 

Many students of Polytechnic University in Tehran became "marked students" when they participated in a gathering protesting to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's speech in their school in fall of 2006.
In the gathering, Ahmadinejad's pictures were burned before his eyes which sparked much anger from the Iranian regime's officials toward the Polytechnic students.    

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