Iran: Uncertain Status of Imprisoned Student Activist and Political Prisoner


NCRI – More than two months after being detained, Mr. Majid Assadi, the student activist and political prisoner is still being held in Evin prison with an uncertain status.

According to reports, the prisoner’s detention warrant needs to be extended every month, but it’s now the third month that his warrant has not been extended, adding even more uncertainty to his case.

Suffering from acute inflammation of his spinal cord as well as digestive disorders, Assadi is still denied a proper treatment despite his medical record being delivered to prison officials.

Assadi was arrested by intelligence forces on February 18, 2017 in his family home in Karaj. He was then taken to Evin Prison’s ward 209.

During his arrest, the intelligence officers insulted Assadi’s mother, and also beat his father and hurt his foot, despite his illness and physical weakness due to his undergoing a liver transplant.

Regarding Majid Assadi’s health status, a source close to his family said “he’s still suffering from back pain. Although his family delivered his medical record to the prosecutor, but he’s still being denied of any treatment.”

The former student activist was also arrested once before at a ceremony held on July 8, 2008, and kept in solitary confinement afterwards for 52 days. The court of first instance, branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court presided over by Judge Abolghasem Salavati, sentenced Assadi in May 2010 to four years in jail. Despite appealing the verdict, Assadi was summoned to prison to serve his term while he was still waiting for the final verdict. He was held in prison from October 5, 2011, to June 2015. Assadi is an Economics graduate from Allameh Tabatabaee University in Tehran.

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