Iran: Two prisoners sentenced to be thrown off a cliff

NCRI – The mullahs' judiciary sentenced two young men to death by being thrown off of a cliff in the holy city of Qom on Sunday.
On May 12, five young men identified only as Morteza, 21; Hadi, 24; Javad, 24; Hossein, 19 and Mehdi, 24 were hanged in the same city, reported the state-run daily Iran.

The mullahs' judiciary did not stop at sentencing the five young men to execution by hanging; in addition, they were also sentenced to be thrown off a cliff.

On January 2, two other men identified as Tayab and Yazdan in their twenties, were given the same punishment.

"Two youths will be thrown into a precipice in the vicinity of the city of Shiraz," reported the state-run daily Qods. Shiraz is located in southern Iran.
The prisoners will be enclosed in a bag before being thrown into the ravine at the top of a cliff.

According to mullahs' penal laws if the victims survive this fall, they will be hanged.

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