Iran: Two prisoners hanged in Shiraz



NCRI – The Iranian regime hanged two men, 29 and 36, in a prison in the southern city of Shiraz, the state-run daily Etemad reported on Saturday without identifying them or specifying a date.

On Thursday other state-run media also reported that nine prisoners were hanged in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison and in southern city of Kerman. Among them was a 30-year-old woman who was hanged after two years of imprisonment.

Iranian regime does not publish official figures on executions. The number of executions since the beginning of 2009 has reached 170.

Iran under the mullahs currently ranks first for per capita executions in the world.

In a statement on Wednesday, the National Council of Resistance of Iran called on all international human rights organizations, especially the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, to condemn the deplorable human rights situation in Iran and adopt immediate and binding measures to stop suppressive policies of the clerical regime.

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