IRAN: Trade unionist Shahrokh Zamani found dead in his cell under suspicious circumstances


NCRI – Iranian trade unionist Shahrokh Zamani, a prisoner of conscience, was found dead under suspicious circumstances on Sunday in Gohardasht Prison (Rajaei Shahr Prison) in the city of Karaj, north-west of Tehran.

Shohrokh Zamani, 51, a labor activist and a painter, was last arrested in June 2011. He was tortured in prison and on numerous occasions went on hunger strike to protest his brutal treatment and the inhumane prison conditions.

Mr. Zamani who had been suffering from various illnesses had been deprived of access to medical care while in prison.

Mr. Zamani was found dead in his bed by his cellmates that had been looking for him after he did not appear during their noon break time.

The Iranian regime had been holding Mr. Zamani on the charges of ‘activities against the system’ i.e. the Iranian regime.

While in prison, Mr. Zamani was actively involved in activities by political prisoners supporting the protests against the Iranian regime, condemning the violations of human rights in Iran, and condemning the Iranian regime’s meddling in the internal affairs of the countries of the region.

In a number of statements, Amnesty International had called for his immediate release describing him as “a prisoner of conscience held solely for his peaceful trade union activities.”

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