Iran: Three prisoners hanged in Qazvin

NCRI- The authorities in the main prison in the city of Qazvin on Tuesday hanged three prisoners of drug related charges, the state run Fars news agency without giving any further information.

The Iranian regime has been executing prisoners with a rapid pace after Hassan Rouhani took office in last June.

The number of executions in the first five weeks of this year reaches 107. Many have been hanged in Public.

Four prisoners were hanged on Monday in Nowshahr and Zanjan, Mehr news agency reported.

Two men were hanged in public in the city of Karaj on Monday. And two others were hanged in public in city of Shiraz on Thursday.

Wave of executions in many cities particularly in deprived regions demonstrates the fear of the detested clerical regime of the uprising of the peoples of these regions that are under intolerable pressures.

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