Iran – Human Rights: Three Balouchis prisoner hanged in Zabol

NCRI – The Iranian regime’s hangmen in city of Zabol on Saturday hanged three prisoners in public for alleged killing of Zabol’s atrocious Public Prosecutor . The victims had been condemned to death by the regime’s judiciary without having a lawyer and a fair judicial process.

The three Balouchis men were identified as Amir Piri, Iman Goalvi, and Alireza Dehmorde.

On October 26, 2013 upon orders from the regime’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei, the regime’s henchmen collectively hanged sixteen Balouchi political prisoners in Zahedan Prison. The state-run news outlets published the pictures of the victims who were cruelly hanged using cranes.

Regime’s public prosecutor in Zahedan blatantly said: “These individuals are being executed in revenge for the martyrdom of border guards.” (Tasnim news agency, affiliated with the Qods Force – October 26, 2013)

The collective and clandestine execution of 15 other Balouchi prisoners on February 5 in Chahbahar’s prison and hanging the body of Ahmad Eissa Zehi, a 23-year-old prisoner who had died of a heart attack before his execution (in October 2013) are among other disclosed crimes of the mullahs against the deprived people of Balouchistan.

Execution of prisoners, especially the political prisoners, has surged since Hassan Rouhani has taken office as the president of the clerical regime.

On April 19, Hassan Rouhani approved the anti-human and anti-Islamic executions in Iran as being “God’s commandments” or “laws of the people”.

Speaking to commanders of the Iranian regime’s State Security Forces on Saturday, he said: “when someone is condemned to death and he comes to the gallows according to the law,., the law has condemned him and he is punished and this has nothing to do with us. It is either the commandment of God or a law approved by the parliament that belongs to the people and we only execute it (Tasnim news agency, affiliated with the Qods Force – April 19).

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