Iran: Thousands of students rally at Tehran University

NCRI – More than 4,000 students gathered outside Engineering College of Tehran University to mark the National Student Day on Sunday.

A large number of students from other universities and colleges in the capital such as Polytechnic (Amirkabir), Indusial University, Abbaspour, Science and Technology and Rajai joined the protest.

NCRI – More than 4,000 students gathered outside Engineering College of Tehran University to mark the National Student Day on Sunday.

A large number of students from other universities and colleges in the capital such as Polytechnic (Amirkabir), Indusial University, Abbaspour, Science and Technology and Rajai joined the protest.

The State Security Forces (SSF) –mullahs' suppressive police– and other security agents from the Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) blocked the main entrance to the school. However, the students broke the gate to 16-Azar Street and joined the gathering already in progress.

Students chanted anti-government slogans such as, "Death to dictator," "Student will die but will not be humiliated" and "Ahmadinejad is responsible for destruction in Iran."

Iranian universities are hotbeds of student activism and protests are common despite strict control on campus since the early days of mullahs' rule.

 Last year, the Student Day was marked on December 9, Iranian students in universities across Iran staged demonstrations, chanting anti-government slogans and calling for the release of the detained students.

At Tehran University, the protesters chanted slogans against Ahmadinejad and carried banners calling for the release of three fellow students who have been held since May, the state-run media such as Fars news agency and IRNA reported.

"The students marched on the gate and damaged it… The students chanted slogans and carried protesting placards," IRNA reported. According to the eyewitnesses, SSF agents had initially shut the main gate in to prevent large numbers gathering for the protest, but the students broke the gate so that others could enter.

"Ahmadi-Pinochet, Iran will not become Chile!", "Death to dictator," "Free all political prisoners," "University is wide awake," "University is the last barricade," "Students die but will not be humiliated," "Mr. President the student movement will stand until the end",
 chanted the students.

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