Iran: The Youth, Join Justice-Seeking Movement


NCRI – A group of youth in Kermanshah (Western Iran) have supported the Iranian people’s justice-seeking movement.

Commemorating the courageous MEK/PMOI political prisoners massacred in 1988, they stressed that the perpetrators as well as instigators in the inhumane crime be put to trial.

Parts of the statement reads: “the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners is an eternal shame for all who shut their eyes to this inhumane crime.

Everyone knows that some of the Iranian people’s best and most devoted children were sent to the gallows in the summer of 1988, whereas they were serving their prison sentences issued by courts of this same regime. The massacre was on one hand the pinnacle of heroism and devotion of the fighters and mujahedin, and the utmost brutality and cruelty of the Iranian regime’s leaders on the other.

In collaboration with the Iranian people’s justice-seeking movement, we the youth of Kermanshah, ask all the Iranian people to join hands and expose these crimes more than ever. We also demand that the case be referred to the International Criminal Court so that all the perpetrators and killers be brought to justice.

Today, the perpetrators and instigators of the massacre are still in power andcontinue their criminal acts against the Iranian people, among which are Mullah Mostafa Pour Mohammadi, the Minister of Justice in Mullah Rouhani’s government, and Mullah Raeisi the custodian of Astan-e-Quds, the richest economic entity in Iran. They were members of the death squad responsible for the massacre of the political prisoners at the time. They and all the other killers should be held accountable for what they have done and justice should be administered to all.”

Hail to all the massacred prisoners in the summer of 1988

A group of youth in Kermanshah, November 2016

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