Iran: The Prominent Canadian Lawyer Called for a Trial for the Perpetrators of the Massacre of 1988


NCRI – The prominent Canadian lawyer of human rights, David Matas, who is also the holder of the Canadian Medal and the supporter of the Iranian Resistance, called for an end to the impunity and justice for the perpetrators of the massacre of 1988 of which 30 thousand political prisoners were killed. Those responsible for such crimes are currently holding office in Iran.

David Matas delivered speech at the 22nd anniversary for the victims of AMIA terrorist bombing, which occurred in Buenos Aires by the Iran regime. He stated, “Canada has added Iran to the list entitled with “Justice for the Victims of Terrorism.” Canada must keep Iran on this list until the defendants of AMIA bombing will be prosecuted.”

David Matas called for the adoption of the bill to sanction the Iran regime. This bill is currently under review in the Canadian Senate.

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