Iran: Terhran’s Evin Prison political prisoners protest escalation of pressures

NCRI- Political prisoners in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison’s Ward 350 issued statements protesting against the pressures imposed on their fellow inmates. The new suppressive measures are inflicted after political prisoners in Ward 350 exposed the fact that signs of torture were seen on the body of blogger Sattar Beheshti who died in custody 13 December 2012.

Sattar Beheshti had spent a night with the prisoners at Ward 350 prior to his death. The prisoners who had witnessed the signs of the brutal tortures on the battered body of Sattar disclosed it.

While expressing concern over the dire conditions of their fellow inmates, the political prisoners of Ward 350, called on all freedom-loving Iranians and international human rights organizations to condemn the repressive measures of the clerical regime and to support the political prisoners.

The prisoners have expressed their protest by moves that include:

– Hunger strike by Amir Khosro Dalir Sani
– Turning the prisoners’ outdoor recess into a protest march, chanting protesting slogans and singing revolutionary songs

The political prisoners particularly protested the cases:

– Intensifying pressure against political prisoner Ali Moezzi , including depriving him of family visits. On 19 December, Mr. Ali Moezzi refrained from taking part in the mullahs’ show trial, presided by henchman Salavati, one of the cruelest henchmen of the regime in Iran. The show trial is used to fabricate a new case against him, for the fourth time.

Hundreds of dissidents, especially former political prisoners, students and youths have been detained, tortured and executed under orders of Salavati. Some are still in the regime’s dungeons, suffering a gradual death.

Ali Moezzi  has been in temporary detention since June 2011, spending 7 months in Evin Prison’s wards 209 and 240.  He has been charged with the crime of Moharebeh (enmity against God) for supporting the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK

– Sending to exile political prisoner Mostafa Nili, a college student from Ghazvin. He has been sent to Gohardasht Prison in Karaj (near Tehran). He is serving his 3 year imprisonment sentence.

– Sending to exile Mahd Saif Zadeh, lawyer and political prisoner. The clerical regime secretly transferred Mr. Saif Zadeh to Gohardasht Prison under the pretext of taking him to hospital. The measure came after Mr. Saif Zadeh protested insulting him and his family and preventing him from continuing his medical treatment at the Modarres Hospital (IRGC affiliated hospital).

– Intensifying pressures against Vahid Asghari, 26 year old political prisoner, because he refrained from taking part in the mullahs’ show trial. He was arrested about 4 years ago. Since then he has been in solitary confinement and subjected to torture to force him to make false confession.

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