Iran: Tehran’s Youths clash with suppressive forces at Enqelab Square

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Sample ImageNCRI – On Thursday, Iranian youths in Tehran clashed with suppressive forces who were harassing citizens on the streets, according to obtained reports.

Security forces have increased their presence in the Iranian capital in anticipation of scheduled protests on the anniversary of the start of nationwide uprisings, which have rattled the ruling regime over the past year. NCRI – On Thursday, Iranian youths in Tehran clashed with suppressive forces who were harassing citizens on the streets, according to obtained reports.

Security forces have increased their presence in the Iranian capital in anticipation of scheduled protests on the anniversary of the start of nationwide uprisings, which have rattled the ruling regime over the past year.

According to reports, some of the regime’s forces stationed at Enqelab Square in Tehran forcefully harassed young women and men bystanders using their attire as an excuse. The suppressive forces penalized women for “mal-veiling” at times soliciting fines as high as $800.

On one occasion, a young girl was stopped by the forces who quickly began to assault and insult her. The woman, however, put up a fierce resistance and defended herself, and the prolonged altercation prompted a number of bystanders to support the victim by trying to save her from arrest.

As the suppressive forces continued to insist on arresting the young woman more people joined the spontaneous protests and drivers honked their horns in reaction to the inhumane and violent actions of the regime agents.

The weary forces, who were clearly ill-prepared for the public outburst, called for reinforcements, which brought more agents on motorbikes to the scene. Youths at the location then began a series of hit and runs with the regime’s forces, who sought to curb the protests and intimidate bystanders.

At least four people were arrested during the clashes, including a young woman, according to eyewitnesses.

The goal of such suppressive measures by the regime is to step up the atmosphere of suppression and terror in order to discourage people from participating in demonstrations planned for the anniversary of the June uprisings. Security forces use “mal-veiling” as a pretext to control the population, at times using highly discourteous language and insults against young women and men in public.

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