Iran Teachers Organization: “Ismaeel Abdi’s Life in Danger”


NCRI – The Iran Teachers Organization issued a statement on May 24th warning about the ongoing hunger strike by Ismaeel Abdi, former secretary general of Iran’s Teachers Guild. This has not only raised concerns amongst his family members and teachers across Iran, but also a large portion of the Iranian population.

Abdi, a mathematics teacher from Islamshahr in Tehran Province, was arrested at his home on November 9th.

The threats facing the life of this activist are serious, according to the statement, and the officials must not neglect this matter. Iran’s public is asking aside from the nature of the allegations raised him, why are Iranian regime authorities refusing to react to his health conditions, the statement continues.

Abdi is suffering from low blood pressure and weight loss due to his hunger strike and yet no judiciary official has shown any reaction to his hunger strike. He has been sentenced to six years behind bars.
Atena Daemi, a human rights activist, is also on hunger strike in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison.


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