Iran: Taxi drivers broke the windows to governor office in Abadeh

NCRI – This morning, nearly 200 protesting taxi drivers gathered outside governor's office for low fares in the southern township of Abadeh in Fars province.

Drivers demanded to speak to the governor about their deteriorating living conditions with Iran's sky rocketing inflations.

When the governor refused to speak with the protestors they broke the governor's office windows in protest.

Soon after, the taxi derivers blocked the streets leading to the office. The special units of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) were called in by the local authorities and the units beat up the demonstrators. Fifteen taxi drivers were arrested and transferred to an unknown location by the IRGC. 

With Iran's cost of living rising, the fixed income families are stranded under crushing prices.

Oil money is spent by Ahmadinejad's government on its nuclear ambitions to build an atomic bomb while most of Iranian people live under poverty line by the mullahs' regime own estimates.   

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