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HomeIran News NowIran Human RightsIran: suppression of women continues under the pretext of "mal-veiling"

Iran: suppression of women continues under the pretext of “mal-veiling”

NCRI – On Thursday, Chief of the State Security Forces (SSF), Brig. Gen. Esmail Ahmadi-Moqaddam harshly criticized some of his peers in the Majlis (parliament) for being too soft on women when it comes to mandatory dress codes set by the SSF.

He added, “You [referring to some Majlis representatives] are too naïve. Who has permitted you to evaluate the SSF’s conducts…”mal-veiling” is the tip of the iceberg in the society. We are blind to the real problem which lies underneath the surface…Some of you advise the SSF to exercise restraint when it comes to combating “mail-veiling” and introduce an alternative way of approaching the [social] predicament which is more cultural citations. Such people should be indiscriminately chastised in the Majlis.”

NCRI’s Women’s Committee Chair Ms. Sarvnaz Chitsaz said, “Ahmadi-Moqaddam’s remarks are the other side of the coin which is an increasing fear among the regime’s leaders of popular demonstrations and uprisings by other strata of the Iranian society such as teachers, university students, and labors in past few months. Such popular unrest may easily extend to women and youths who have the highest potentials of joining the protests.”  

Women’s Committee of the National Council of Resistance of Iran
April 21, 2007