Iran: Sunni prisoners at West Tehran Prison put under more pressure


NCRI – According to reports, Sunni prisoners in ward 7, Hall 21 of Gohardasht Prison – West Tehran are under a lot of pressure. By order of the prison officials, the Sunni prisoners are not allowed to have books. They are not even allowed to have Quran while those who have are forced to deliver them.

It is worth mentioning that following the executions in August, there are still 50 Sunni prisoners kept in this ward, eleven of which are on death row while living in limbo.

The prisoners have recently been threatened that all the equipments inside the ward which the prisoners have bought with their own money will be collected.

Mandatory religious rituals

Participating in congregational prayer in ward 2 of the Gohardasht Prison is mandatory. Besides, the prisoners are regularly forced to pray and take part in some special rituals despite their unwillingness to do so.

The person in charge of ward 2 is named ‘Mehdifar’ and a Mullah named ‘Soltani’ is responsible for religious rituals by whose order all the religious rituals are held.

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