Iran: Students arrested on the way to university

NCRI – Following the announcement of the new "summer plan" to "boost public security" –part of a widespread plan to crackdown on women and youth in Iran starting April 2007–  the State Security Forces (SSF) – mullahs' suppressive police–  waste no time in implementing the new phase in Islamshahr University in southern Tehran suburbs.

Students are taking their final exams before summer break have to put up with harassments of the SSF agents and paramilitary student Bassij Force on their way to school.  In some cases that students stood up to the treatment ended up in jail, according to student bulletins.

The so-called "boosting public security plan" was first introduced in April 2007 to combat popular uprisings. Mass street arrests of hundreds of thousands of women and youth under the pretext of "mal-veiling" and cracking down on "thugs and hooligans" followed. In the same period, more than 300 prisoners were sent to gallows.

In past month alone, thousands of students throughout the country turned the schools campuses into a new arena to battle the government restrictions targeting mainly students. Universities, therefore, have taken center stage in the mullahs' regime so-called security plans. 

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