Iran: Student demonstration in the streets of Shiraz

NCRI – Following the arrest of four students of Shiraz University on Saturday by the mullahs' notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), the students took to the streets to gain their release in the southern city of Shiraz.

The detained students were identified as Abdol-jalil Rezaii, Kazem Rezaii, Mohsen Zarrin Kamar, and Loghman Ghadiri Goltappeh. Officials from the MOIS avoid responding to inquiries from families of these students on Sunday.

NCRI – Following the arrest of four students of Shiraz University on Saturday by the mullahs' notorious Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS), the students took to the streets to gain their release in the southern city of Shiraz.

The detained students were identified as Abdol-jalil Rezaii, Kazem Rezaii, Mohsen Zarrin Kamar, and Loghman Ghadiri Goltappeh. Officials from the MOIS avoid responding to inquiries from families of these students on Sunday.

In the beginning of Monday's demonstration, the participants gathered on the campus of the university and gave a 30 minutes ultimatum to the MOIS to free the four arrested students.  However, the official refused to give in to protesters' demand which triggered anti-government slogans from the demonstrators. They shouted, "Free the detained students," "Free all political prisoners," "Seyyed Ali [Khamenei] Pinochet, Iran can’t become Chile" and "Death to dictator."

Local residents passing by joined the protesting students and the demonstrators marched toward nearby Danshjo Square. 

Members of the anti-riot units of the State Security Forces (SSF) –mullahs' suppressive police– attacked the demonstration fearing its spread to other parts of the city. 

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