Iran: Student activists arrested in Isfahan and Shiraz

NCRI- Three student activists and blogger in Isfahan were arrested on Monday, October 28 in their dormitories.

Security forces severely bludgeoned Saeid La’ali, Amir Yari and Mohammad Pulladi, confiscated their books and computer and then arrested them. Saeid La’ali is an internet activist and critics of the government.

During the past weeks, two other student and blogger activists were also arrested in the city of Shiraz.

In addition to the arrests, in fear of wider protests the Iranian regime has closed several universities during the month of Muharram (one of the four sacred months of the year in Islameic Calendar) and has told the students that universities will be closed for 10 days.

The disciplinary committee of Azad University, the Shahr-e Ray unit is causing disturbance for the students treating them inhumanly and humiliating them. While at Azad Qom University, they have even segregated the elevators, separating elevators for the girls and boys.

Students are forced to take the stairs to reach their classes on time, since with the plan, they are restricted and have to wait for their gender turn.

Meanwhile, on Sunday a group of Tehran University students held a rally to protest the collapse of roof of a room in the dormitory of Tehran University which caused injuring 2 students.

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