Iran: Shocking letter of a political prisoner who lost his brothers and sister in the 1988 massacre


“Justice Minister” blustering is an attempt to justify his role in the massacre.

Bloody-minded person whose name is Pour Mohammadi, is the justice minister of Rouhani’s “moderate?!” Administration. Probably with the order and emphasis of Rouhani himself, he was brought in front of cameras for threatening the survivors of the 1987 massacre to exonerate himself and give warning to others to take their words back and avoid disclosure of their crimes. Of course, all this intimidation, executions and repression does not work all the time. Reza Akbari Monfared a political prisoner in Gohardasht prison writes in his open letter,

Although this bloody-minded, criminal and injustice minister primarily appeared in the media to threaten Ali Motahari (deputy chief of Iran parliament who asked the minister to apologize for his role in the 1988 massacre) and Ahamad Montazeri( who published the massacre revealing audio tape)

His words were so brazen and swindling which reminded me of the memories of crimes and massacre…I lost all my family members like my sister and brothers in that massacre and as a result of it my mother died of heart attack so I don’t have anything else to lose.

Just to clarify some of the crimes committed by this regime, I need to point out that, my brother was arrested on 20 September 1981 and was executed two weeks later, they refused to give us his dead body and later they showed us an Tombstone in the sector 85 of Behesht Zahra and said that he was buried there.
When we took a small funeral in our house (as we were not allowed to use mosque for our ceremony). A security agent called Akbar Khoshkoosh accompanied by other agents attacked our house and arrested all my relatives and took them to Evin prison. After months they released them one by one including my mother who was imprisoned for 5 months.

They sentenced my sister to 10 years imprisonment, in 1988 after spending 7 years in jail she was killed during the massacre.

In 1983 my other brother who was a tailor was missing for months, later on we found out that he was in Evin prison too, eventually in 1985 without giving us the dead body they showed us another Tombstone in the sector 106 of Behesht Zahra and claimed that he has been buried there.

We were never sure if our brother and sister were buried there or not.

My younger brother Abdulreza who was arrested by the before 30 June 1981 on charges of selling newspapers in southern Tehran area was arrested and sentenced to 3 years of imprisonment. After finishing 3 years he was never released. And his prison period was illegally extended 4 more years till 1988 and during the massacre alongside my sister he was hanged.

This time they never gave us the dead body and they never showed us any tombstone, and instead they threatened my father and said if he announces that they died of natural causes then they may show us their graves.

That never happened and now after 28 years we don’t know where they have been buried. Now after 28 years the “Justice Minister” shamelessly announces in the media that he is proud of his crimes.

Therefore, with the highest commitment to my family and to my innocent sister and brothers that were unjustly killed (Roqiya, Gholamreza, Alireza, Abdulreza)
I tell this criminal person (Pour Mohammadi) that from the whole family only me and my other sister Mariam are left in Gohardasht prison.

We don’t have any fear of being executed, and by sacrificing our lives we proudly declare these massacres and crimes have nothing to do with Islam and our prophet.

Reza Akbari Monfared, Political prisoner of section 4, Hall 12, Gohardasht Detention (Rajayee Shahr Karaj)






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