Iran: Seventy partygoers were arrested in Shiraz

NCRI – Seventy teenaged boys and girls were arrested on Thursday by the Chastity Unit of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) in party in the southern city of Shiraz.

"Seventy boys and girls were arrested by the IRGC paramilitary Bassij Force in Qalat district of Shiraz. The warrants for searching the premises and arresting the participants were provided earlier by the judicial authority," reported the state-run media outlets.

The participating youths in the ceremony resisted arrest by the IRGC agents. However, they were subdued by the suppressive government force and seventy of the partygoers were taking away.

The files for the seventy juveniles have already been referred to Shiraz prosecutor's office for action.

Attacking parties has been a longtime practice under the mullahs' rule in Iran. A similar move was reported on April 15 by the semi-official daily Jomhouri-Islami when 67 youths were arrested in mixed-gender party in northern Tehran.
In that incident SSF agents were dispatched to the house where the party was already in progress in Moqadas-Ardibily Street, according to eyewitness accounts.
All The participants, not having a “decent appearance,” were arrested by the security forces, added a local official.
"Some bootlegged liquor bottles were also seized by the SSF agents in searching the premises for illegal items," said a SSF official on the scene. 

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