Iran: Seven prisoners secretly hanged in Orumieh prison


NCRI – The Iranian regime’s henchmen hanged a group of seven prisoners on Monday in the main prison in the city of Orumieh in northwestern Iran.

Those executed were residents of Kermanshah, Sanandaj and Shiraz. No other information is available on the victims.

The clerical regime in Iran has refused to halt its cycle of atrocities and executions even during Christmas. The regime henchmen hanged at least seven prisoners in the Adelabad Prison in Shiraz at dawn on Christmas day.

On December 18 and 14, ten other prisoners were secretly hanged in same prison that it is known for being one with most appalling condition.

Meanwhile, a judiciary official of the Iranian regime rejected the international criticism of the regime’s high rate of execution related to drug charges and said: “No sentence can replace death verdict.”

Mohammadreza Habibi, the head of judiciary in Yazd province (central Iran) said on Saturday said: “Decisive dealing and executions would reduce the drug trafficking and intensify control in the country. And those bringing these materials [drugs] to the country should be severely punished.”

Mohammadrza Habibi acknowledged that based on the regime’s own laws including inhuman Law of Retribution, death sentences are not required for drug related crimes however he said some death sentences must be handed down “based on the social situation and state verdicts.”

Since Hassan Rouhani has become president of the clerical regime in Iran at least 1200 people have been executed, including: political prisoners, women and those committing crime when under 18.

Earlier this month, a number of human rights organizations demanded United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime to stop providing aide to the regime in Tehran until it has not abolished executions for drug related offences.

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