Iran: Senior mullah admits regime executed tens of thousands of PMOI (MEK) members solely for their beliefs

NCRI – A senior cleric has admitted that Ruhollah Khomeini had ordered to kill tens of thousands of members and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK) solely for their beliefs.

At Tehran’s so-called ‘Friday Prayers’ on November 22, Ahmad Jannati said: ” On the members of the PMOI (MEK) who had been arrested and imprisoned Imam (Khomeini) said execute those who remain steadfast in their beliefs, and as they did, they were executed.”

Ahmad Jannati is chairman of the Guardian Council, the body in charge of checking legislation approved by Majlis (Parliament), and vetting the candidates in various elections.

In the summer of 1988 alone, the Iranian regime summarily and extrajudicially executed tens of thousands of political prisoners majority of them PMOI member and supporters held in jails across Iran.

The majority of those executed were either serving prison sentences for their political activities or had already finished their sentences but were still kept in prison.
Some of them had previously been imprisoned and released, but were again arrested and executed during the massacre.

The wave of massacre of political prisoners began in late July and continued unabated for a few months.

By the time it stopped in fall, some 30,000 political prisoners, overwhelming majority of them activists of the PMOI (MEK) were slaughtered.

Khoemieni issued fatwas (religious decrees) ordering massacring anyone who had not repented and was not willing to totally collaborate with the regime.

The massacres began and everyday hundreds of political prisoners were hanged and their corpses were buried hurriedly in mass graves all over major cities, in particular Tehran.

Khomeini decreed: “Whoever at any stage continues to belong to the Monafeqin (PMOI / MEK) must be executed. Annihilate the enemies of Islam immediately.”
He went on to add: “… Those who are in prisons throughout the country and remain steadfast in their support for MEK / PMOI are waging war on God and are condemned to execution…It is naive to show mercy to those who wage war on God.”

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