Iran’s Regime Ranks First for Executions per Capita

Stop executions in Iran- MEK rally in Brussels, several protesters dressed in prison uniforms call for an end to executions in Iran-Brussels June 15, 2019

Iran’s regime holds the infamous record of the world’s top executioner per capita. It also ranks first for most number of juvenile executions in the world. Women are also victims of the death penalty in Iran, with at least nine women having been executed since mi-June alone.

Since Hassan Rouhani took office as President, Iran’s regime has executed at least 3,800 people. In fact, as early as 1980, Rouhani, as a lawmaker, had called for dissidents to be made an example of by being hanged in public.

“ of Activists

— NCRI-FAC (@iran_policy) .

— Maryam Rajavi (@Maryam_Rajavi) February 21, 2019

The Iranian Resistance declared years ago that it calls for the abolition of the death penalty and an end to torture and all forms of rights abuses in Iran.

“Our plan for the future is to put an end to the mullahs’ religious decrees. We reject the inhuman penal code and other abusive laws of this regime. We believe Retribution is an inhuman law,” Mrs. Rajavi added.

“Our plan is to institute an independent, dynamic and free judiciary.”

“Our plan is to defend democratic values, freedom, equality, and sanctity of every citizen’s private life.”

“Our plan for Iran’s future is that no one should be denied his/her freedoms, rights or life because of having or not having faith in a particular religion or for abandoning it.”

“Our plan is for all citizens to enjoy genuine security and equal rights before the law.”

“We are seeking a new order based on freedom, democracy, and equality,” she added.

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